Friday, April 30, 2010

Photo Friday, Who Am I?

First off, Happy Friday! This morning I stumbled across a Happy Thing: Photo Friday at Creating Motherhood. And so I shall be participating. This week's theme? Cooking and Beverages. Sadly, as I'm just joining, I was ill-prepared, so I'm just using Food as a theme. So here is DH eating ice cream for breakfast :) Silly man.

Secondly, I've been pondering doing a "Who Am I?" after seeing several of them on other sites during ICLW. It's been a rough week, so I'm just cramming it into today's post since I'm feeling semi-human this morning and would like to share. So here goes...(in no particular order):

1. I am a free spirit.
2. I am a daughter.
3. I am a big sister to 3 wonderful young women.
4. I am an aunt to my husbands 3 nieces and 2 nephews.
5. I am affected by anxiety and depression.
6. I am polyamorous - I have an open marriage.
7. I am a photographer...or I like to think I am. It's a matter of opinion. (This morning's pic does NOT count. LOL)
8. I am an infertile.
9. I am a friend.
10. I am an adrenaline junkie.
11. I am a music lover.
12. I am a book lover.
13. I am a pagan - my spirituality lies in the natural world.
14. I am a blogger - good or bad, I don't's for me.
15. I am a crocheter.
16. I am a mother - if you count furbabies.
17. I am a cross between hippy and punk.

Maybe that sums me up, maybe it doesn't. I'm sure I could come up with more, but that's a good start. Now that I've figured out how to put photos in here, I hope to post more :) I always enjoy seeing others'.

I think the meds are starting to work. I watched UP last night and didn't break down. This is a miracle for someone like me who cries from the beauty of cotton commercials. I seem to be numb. There have been a number of BFP's this week all over Blog Land, and I took them in stride. So, yes, I think the meds are starting to do their job. The numbness is strange, but if that's what it takes to get me through this, then so be it.

Oh! DH and I have been subpoena'd to testify at the hearing for Drunk Mom in a few weeks. So, we continue to be part of that. I think that night is the straw that broke the camel's back with regards to my sanity....maybe the hearing will help turn it all around.

Peace out and have a great weekend!


  1. awesome picture!!! :) and I like your list!

    (plus I live close to you in Bethlehem, PA) :)

  2. Your DH is hilarious. Boys can be so silly!


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