Saturday, July 9, 2011

30 Day Infertility Blog Challenge: Day 8

8.Share a recipe for your favorite alcoholic drink (or, if you don’t drink, it can be non-alcoholic but make it fun!), and your favorite comfort and/or post-bfn food.

Oh, wow, where to begin?  I haven't had a mixed drink in AGES!

I am a beer connoisseur, microbrews especially.  And dark.  And rich.  I think Guinness is a meal.  Lager is a light beer for me.  I like having a beer - I nurse them for way longer than I should.

I love white wine, but red only in Sangria form.  White Riesling is my favorite.  Wine gets me tipsy fast, but I like that it's light, especially compared to the dark beer I like, so wine is fun.

Hard liquor.  Hmmm.  I used to do shots of tequila like they were water.  I LOVE when a top-shelf margarita is available, complete with Grand Marnier, Patron, and cointreau.  No salt.  Lime flavor.  On the rocks.  Also a fan of Amaretto, rum (especially coconut), and Irish Cream on the rocks.  Can you tell I have a sweet tooth?  LOL.  

Food...oh, man.  What a can of worms.  Mint chocolate chip ice cream with loads of chocolate sprinkles.  Mix that with some cookie dough ice cream.  OMG.  Nummy.  Garlic mashed potatoes.  Shrimp ANYTHING.  Macaroni and cheese, box or homemade, with homemade taking the edge.  And salads to die for with umpteen ingredients.  And french fries with chocolate milkshakes.  Holy foodgasm.  Not even kidding.  I am salivating thinking of it.

I am not posting any specific recipe because it really depends on my mood, but this certainly gives you an idea.  Now I need to go find some food.  I am freakin hungry now, LOL.  

1 comment:

Whip me, beat me, take away my charge card. Or just leave a comment. Whichever works best for you :)