Saturday, November 6, 2010



How far along: 16 weeks 0 days. Crciket is the size of an avocado! Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.

Total weight gain/loss: 15.5 lbs...weight gain has slowed down, which reassures me that I might stay within normal limits.

Maternity clothes: Yes. Still have some shirts that fit, so that's a mixed bag. But pants are all maternity or stretchy.

Stretch marks: Hip and thigh ones are flaring up from puberty.

Sleep: Same old, same old. Tired all the time, but can't sleep 8 hours straight. It's a conundrum. I love naps.

Movement: We have movement! It's irregular and infrequent, but it's there. Can't wait for more :)

Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: Nothing specific this week. Aversions: Stinky odors, red meat, and whatever doesn't agree with me on any given day.

Gender: at this point, we have decided not to find out...let's see if we hold steadfast to that! DH says boy, I say girl.

Symptoms: Time for some TMI. Boogers galore, morning bloody noses. Also getting those sexy blue veins on my BBs.

What I miss: Sleeping on my stomach.

What I look forward to: Regular movement, seeing Hubby's face when he gets to feel her move.

Moods: Frustrated, mostly.

Milestones: I can play her music now :) And she can hear me!

Medical Concerns: Hypothyroid, anxiety, migraines. Ready for the list? Syn.throid 50 mcg, 75 mg, Zo.fran pump, Com.pazine suppositories 25 mg, Iron, D3, B12, Vitamin C, Folic acid, no more prenatals, Bene.fiber, stool softeners. I feel like a major pill popper.

Weekly Wisdom: Just because I feel good doesn't mean I am Super-Preggo. Baby steps.

Best moment this week: That first little roll in my belly, realizing what it was :)

Worst moment this week: Days with Spike, feeling like I have no control.
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  1. Awwww, your belly is so cute I want to squeeze it, gently of course.

  2. Found you over at Life in the Last Frontier, immediately recognized NE Pennsylvania-specific syntax (Lehigh Valley transplant, here) and headed over to say hello :) And congratulations!!!!

  3. Awesome! I go to Reproductive Medical Associates on Cedar Crest in Allentown.

  4. How come it always tells me that it is unsafe to proceed to this page? congrats on 16 weeks!

  5. You look fabulous! It's very cool when the dh can feel it when the baby moves... just wait until he can SEE it move. It's hilarious!


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