Saturday, October 16, 2010



How far along: 13 weeks 0 days - Cricket is the size of a peach! Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords... savor this, their non-functional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with a head now only one third the size of the body. Intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy.

Total weight gain/loss: According to the scale - 15 lbs. Eek.

Maternity clothes: Yes. Still have some shirts that fit, so that's a mixed bag. But pants are all maternity or stretchy.

Stretch marks: way too early for those! Keeping an eye on the puberty-induced ones, though. And have started the Cocoa Butter applications daily.

Sleep: Same old, same old. Tired all the time, but can't sleep 8 hours straight. It's a conundrum. I love naps.

Movement: way too early for that! But I can't wait :)

Cravings/Aversions: Cravings: For the most part it's just a matter of finding something I can tolerate. Aversions: Stinky odors, red meat, and whatever doesn't agree with me on any given day.

Gender: at this point, we have decided not to find out...let's see if we hold steadfast to that! DH says boy, I say girl.

Symptoms: BBs are a bit sore again, but so used to it it's not a problem.  Otherwise, alllllll the same stuff :)

What I miss: Not a thing :)

What I look forward to: Movement.  I can't WAIT!  And a REAL bump.

Moods: Irritable beyond belief, interspersed with sappy crying.

Milestones: End of first trimester!!  Woot woot!  HUGE sigh of relief.

Medical Concerns: Still taking my Syn.throid at 50mcg. To be tested again next trimester. 50mg.  Bu.talb for migraines, every 6 hours if needed.  Stool softeners. And the new addition of Pancho, the Zo.fran pump, which annoying and painful, is helping me FINALLY stop the constant puking.  Which is VERY exciting!  Because this in turn is helping with the migraines!  KNOCK ON WOOD.

Weekly Wisdom: If they want to give you morphine, say yes.  If they want to hook you up to a thingy and it works, say yes.  Stop fighting the doctors, woman! 

Best moment this week: 2 sneaky listens to Cricket's heart thumping away.  And being amused that she was playing hide and seek with the doppler.  Also pretty stoked about the cradle.  It's by the bed, so every night it makes me smile, and every morning.

Worst moment this week: ER again, hello.  I haven't had a migraine like that in 10 years.


  1. Love to read through your update. Yay! for team green:)

    That migraine sounds nasty, I hope you feel much better by now!

  2. Awww, sorry about the migraines! Hope they are on their way out. So glad you're doing well otherwise. Yay for second trimester!!

  3. Happy 13!! I think before the end of the week your ticker will move the baby into the yellow boxes indicating second trimester!! Fran

  4. Yay week 13! You are officially in the second trimester! I am glad that Pancho is helping you out...I just could not imagine being as sick as you were. I hope you are able to stay out of the ER!!

    p.s. sorry I've been MIA on commenting, for some reason your updates aren't showing up in my feeder :(.

  5. Ughh migraines......I totally feel your pain. I had a total epidemic yesterday, my head was hurting so bad I could barely walk.

    Happy 13! Yay, love the updates!

  6. Congrats on the 2nd trimester.


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