Monday, April 23, 2012

The Legacy Stops Here

As you know, things have been rough for me lately. (Updates to follow!) I have rediscovered an album I hadn't listened to in ages.  Yes I Am by Melissa Etheridge.  As I was coming out of my despair, one song struck me - Silent Legacy.  This song is about growing up gay, but as I listened, I realized that it can apply to so much of my life.

1 in 10 people fall somewhere on the gay spectrum.  I am bisexual and polyamorous.

1 in 40 adults are bipolar (approximately).  I am the most recent in a long family line of bipolar disorder.

1 in 8 suffer from Infertility.  I am part of that 1 in 8.  I am the 1.

I am the 1.

I am the ONE.

1 in 3200 if you do the math.  ONE.

The shame, the silence, the hiding, the pain...all of these apply to anyone who falls into one of those categories.  They always have.  But it doesn't have to be that way. There are resources.

This week is National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW).  The theme is "Don't Ignore."  Don't let this apply to only Infertility.  There are so many others hurting, suffering shame, fear, pain.  Be an advocate.  Don't ignore them.  

"Mothers tell your children
Be quick you must be strong
Life is full of wonder
Love is never wrong
Remember how they taught you
How much of it was fear
Refuse to hand it down
The legacy stops here"

Stop the fear.  Stop the shame.  Stop the silence.  

Stop the LEGACY.


  1. You are inspirational. I know you've really been going through some crap lately, but know that through all of it, you are still inspiring to so many.

    Infertility be damned, man.


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