Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Video Tuesday

I thought I would give you something to make you smile today :-)

Phelan the Raptor: http://youtu.be/mFQIZ2WHw5g

Phelan Clucks: http://youtu.be/w_3NZart7Rk

The Not-Crawl: http://youtu.be/_q_NEub_qdA

I can't embed from work...sorry gang.  Enjoy!!!


  1. SO cute!! All of them! Loves the clucking one, Oliver just started doing the same out of the blue!

  2. Very cute indeed. :-)
    Lemme guess, by the way his tongue is working, there is something working inside his little mouth... That should explain some of the night wakings as well.
    I love the fish on the shore moves. :-) But you'll see that one day soon, things will click, he'll start crawling and then you will understand the magnitude of mobility for real. :-D
    And why is it that babies like making raptor sounds? I find it very endearing, but I was just curious...


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